Everything Television: Examining HBO's The Leftovers

True Detective S02 E07 - Black Maps and Motel Rooms

Join Justin and Keith as they discuss episode 7 of True Detective's second season, Black Maps and Motel Rooms.

/u/Juttoo explains what the hell is going on in True Detective Season 2

DVR Club - Get our Game of Thrones out of our True Detective

/u/rogue_oiseauA couple notes regarding the set photographer and Caspere's assistant

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can email Justin at: gjblizzard@gmail.com.

You can subscribe to Everything True Detective by clicking here. You can subscribe to our main podcast, Everything Is Interesting, in iTunes by clicking here.

Any additional information can be found at our website, eipodcast.com.

You can follow the hosts on Twitter, Justin is @blizzzzzzzzzard, and Keith is @ThingsComeRight, Keith's Letterboxd profile can be found here, Justin's can be found here.

The intro/outro music for the show is provided by The Free Music Archive, and is performed by Waylon Thornton: