Short Fiction

A Writing Exercise

Today marks two months since my first post. A post consisting solely of a video of a man trying to set the world record for punching as many times as he can in 1 minute. The intention was to prepare you for the onslaught of content you were about to endure, Ludovico technique style. The reality is far more shameful. Instead of landing 347 consecutive punches to your collective heads, I landed one probably disqualifying glancing blow, and then stood around for 60 seconds, or 60 days, to keep with a witless comparison never meant to be analyzed to this extent, which is now falling apart as quickly as punches 300 to 347 in a series of punches performed during 60 seconds.

To recover from this embarrassing blunder I will embark on an ambitious writing journey. My goal is to write 1 short story a week for the next 9 months. Every story will begin on Monday, continue through Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and end on Friday. Every story will open with: "George shifted the car's transmission from drive to reverse, palmed the headrest of the passenger seat, turned his head clockwise from 12 to 4, and backed his car into the furthest possible parking space from the entrance of the Public Utilities building." There will be no restrictions on length, long or short. The inaugural story will swear in on 02 December 2013.

I will use the resulting works to judge my value as a human, your value as a member of society, and, most importantly, whether or not I should spend another $100 for a year long Squarespace subscription.